



本隐私政策描述了DG真人游戏务公司和平台登录的子公司及关联公司(统称为, “SJWC,” “we,” or “us”) collect, use, disclose and otherwise process information about you. 本隐私政策适用于平台登录在您访问或使用平台登录的网站时收集的信息, “网站”), our water delivery services (“服务”),或者当您以其他方式与平台登录互动时,例如通过平台登录的客户支持渠道. 

We may change this 隐私政策 from time to time. 如有变更,平台登录将通过修改本政策顶部的日期通知您. If we make material changes, 平台登录将向您提供额外通知(例如在服务中添加声明或向您发送通知)。. 平台登录鼓励您定期查看本隐私政策,以便随时了解平台登录的信息实践和您可用的选择.




Targeted Advertising and Analytics





在本节中, 平台登录描述了平台登录收集的信息的类别和这些信息的来源, which may vary depending on how you interact with us. 

信息 You Provide to Us

We collect information you provide directly to us. 例如, we collect information directly from you when you create an account, 请求客户支持, or otherwise communicate with us. The categories of information we collect include:

  • 安全号码: We also generate an ID number that we associate with your account.
  • 财务信息: we collect your payment account information, including your routing and account numbers, 无效支票, 还有你的签名.
  • 属性信息: we collect information about your 财产, including whether it is residential or commercial, the assessor parcel number, 财产的年龄, and the number of residents.
  • 沟通信息: we collect information included in your communications to or about us, including if you file complaints or 索赔.

We may also collect any other information you choose to provide. 

信息 We Collect Automatically

We automatically collect the following categories of information:

  • 交易信息: we keep a history of your transactions with us, including the dates and amounts paid for the 服务.
  • Internet Activity 信息: we collect information about how you access our 网站, including data about the device and network you use, such as your hardware model, 操作系统版本, 移动网络, IP地址, 唯一设备标识符, 浏览器类型. We also collect information about your activity on our 网站, 比如访问时间, 页面查看, 链接点击, and the page you visited before navigating to our 网站.
  • 音频信息: 如果您致电平台登录的客户服务团队,平台登录可能会监控并保留这些对话.
  • 信息 Collected by Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies: We use tracking technologies, such as cookies and pixels, to collect information about your interactions with our 网站. These technologies help us 改善平台登录的网站 and your experience, see which areas and features of our 网站 are popular, 计算访问量. 您可以调整浏览器设置以删除或拒绝浏览器cookie. 请注意,删除或拒绝cookie可能会影响平台登录服务的可用性和功能.

信息 We Collect from Other Sources

We obtain information from other sources. 例如,平台登录会收集你的用水/耗水量(“用水资料),平台登录可能会从相关的房地产开发商或公共记录中收集有关您的物业的信息.


平台登录可能会根据所收集的信息推断出有关您的信息. 例如,平台登录可能会根据您的IP地址推断您的大致位置.



  • 服务提供: we use information to provide and maintain our 服务, including to deliver water to you, 支付流程, and authenticate your account.
  • 研究与改进: we use information to analyze and improve our 服务, including to test and analyze water system performance, evaluate risk and prioritize assets for maintenance and replacement, and promote efficiency/conservation. We also use information to improve our customer support services.
  • 交流: 平台登录使用信息向您发送公用事业委员会听证会通知, alert you to changes in pressure/contaminants, 回应你的投诉, 索赔, 和询问, inform you of price changes or the cost for new services, and send you bills or other transactional or relationship messages.
  • 营销和广告: we use information to send direct marketing messages. 您可以按照这些通信中的说明或与平台登录联系,选择不接收平台登录发送的营销信息.
  • 进行分析: we use information to monitor and analyze 网站 trends, 使用, 和活动, 改善平台登录的网站, 并生成去识别的数据,平台登录不会试图重新识别. 
  • 保护与合规: we use information to make regulatory filings, document and process 索赔 and complaints, 检测, 调查, and help prevent security incidents and other malicious, 具有欺骗性的, 欺诈, 或者非法活动, help protect the rights and 财产 of SJWC and others, and comply with our legal and financial obligations.


We disclose the categories of information described above as follows:

  • 供应商: we disclose information to vendors, 服务提供商, 需要此信息向平台登录提供服务的承包商和顾问, such as companies that assist us with web hosting, 支付处理, 欺诈防范, 债, 客户服务, 数据浓缩, 分析, and marketing and advertising.
  • 广告合作伙伴: 平台登录向第三方披露信息用于上述营销和广告目的. 
  • 专业顾问平台登录在必要时向平台登录的律师和其他专业顾问披露信息,以获得建议或以其他方式保护和管理平台登录的商业利益.
  • 法律部门出于上述保护和合规目的,平台登录可能会向法律机构和其他机构披露信息, including if we believe that disclosure is in accordance with, 或者要求, any applicable law or legal process, 包括公共当局为满足国家安全或执法要求而提出的合法要求,以及如果平台登录认为您的行为与平台登录的用户协议或政策不一致, if we believe that you have violated the law, or if we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, 财产, 和SJWC的安全, 平台登录的用户, 公众, 或其他.
  • 企业交易: we reserve the right to disclose information in connection with, or during negotiations of certain corporate transactions, 包括合并, 出售公司资产, 融资, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company. 
  • 子公司:平台登录保留在SJWC与任何现任或未来家长之间披露信息的权利, 子公司, 子公司, and other companies under common control and ownership.
  • 同意当平台登录得到您的同意或您指示平台登录这样做时,平台登录可能会披露信息.





平台登录收集以下类别的个人信息:标识符, 商业信息 (including the Financial 信息, 属性信息, 用水资料, and Transactional 信息 described above), 沟通信息, Internet Activity 信息, 音频信息, 及衍生资料. 平台登录从以下来源收集这些信息:直接从您那里, from real estate developers/public records, and from our water delivery technology. 有关平台登录收集的具体数据点及其收集来源的更多信息, please see the 收集资料 section above. 

平台登录收集和披露个人信息用于以下商业和商业目的(在上述信息的使用部分有更详细的描述):提供服务, 研究与改进, 沟通, 市场营销与广告, 进行分析, and Protection and Compliance. 

We do not “share” or “sell” personal information. 平台登录向以下类别的收件人披露了以下类别的个人信息(在上述信息披露部分有更详细的描述):

Category of Personal 信息 受助人类别















Internet Activity 信息









Access, Correction, and Deletion

您有权(1)要求更多地了解和访问您的个人信息, (2) request deletion of your personal information, and (3) request correction of inaccurate personal information. 

访问平台登录的 隐私门户、电子邮件 privacy@713553.com with the subject heading “California Privacy Rights,或拨打平台登录的免费电话(888)266-5885行使这些权利. 

平台登录可能会要求您提供您最近与平台登录互动的相关信息,以验证您的请求, such as information from a recent bill. If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@713553.com with the subject heading “California Privacy Rights Request Appeal.” 


We will not treat you differently for exercising your privacy rights. 


If you are submitting a rights request as an authorized agent, 你必须提交授权你提出要求的证明, 例如一份有效的授权书或证明你已经签署了请求主体个人的许可. 请不要就此请求提供任何敏感的个人信息, such as a driver's license or other government-issued ID. 在某些情况下, 平台登录可能会被要求联系请求主体的个人,以核实他或她的身份,或确认您有权提交此请求. 如果您是寻求提出请求的授权代理,请发送电子邮件 privacy@713553.com




如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与平台登录联系 privacy@713553.com or (888) 266-5885.